Thursday, October 9, 2008

First Birthday Party

I really don't know where my days go. I usually get up before 7 am and race around all day but there just never seem to be enough time. I have no idea how I'm going to fit work back in my days come Febuary.

Anyroad, tomorrow is The Big Day; Miss M is turning ONE! Luckily her daddy could take the day off, so I look forward to some special family time. On Saturday we're having a party, which has turned out a little bigger than we originally had planned. To be honest, I've been a bit stressed about it. I guess it's the first First Birthday party I throw and I just hope everyone has a good time.

I'll let you all know how it all went and promise more blogging next week when the peace returns to the DutchieKiwiAussie household!

Fingers crossed for a sunny day!


pommygran8 said...

Happy birthday Miss M-enjoy the day and your first special party-give mum and dad a big hug!!

EyeOfTheLeopard said...

Happy Birthday Miss M. Looking forward to your b'day doo. Love the swimming suit btw ;)

Lise said...

Happy Birthday Miss M!!! Ah bless love the costume!! Looking fwd hearing all about the big party and big day!!