Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My brave little girl

As Miss M has turned 1 recently, it was time for her 12 month shots. I always dread it. She was is the best mood, in spite of not having her proper morning sleep. She played happily with the slinky the nurse gave her, and was on her most charming behaviour smiling to everyone who even glanced at her. I felt like a bit of a traitor knowing what was about to happen. But it's for the best.

I must say that she was great. A bit of a cry, but nothing too lingering. So great relief on mummy's part. She's sound asleep now. It's great how quickly they forget at this age! Time for mummy to have a rest and a glass of red!

1 comment:

EyeOfTheLeopard said...

I wouldn't be surprised next time Miss M is given a slinky she will get suspicious....