Monday, October 6, 2008

Maiden Voyage

Well, as I've mentioned before, today was the Big Day; the launch of our 'Petit Bateau' (little boat). Mr Kiwi had been getting progressively nervous all week but at last the moment was here!

Serge and Mr Kiwi set off down the sand ramp, boat in tow, the girls followed in the other car. After quite some skilled manouvering on Serge's part (why they build a dog-leg into the lead up to the ramp is anyones guess) we finally got our little lady in the water!

Such excitement!... Such joy! ...Such disappointment when we found that she is still leaking! Not much, but enough to be worried somewhat.

We monitored the amount of water that was coming into the boat over the next couple of hours while we happily motored around Bonnie Vale, Hordern, Gunya and Jibbon Beaches. The sun even came out and it gave us a real taste of what it would be like to have a boat and the freedom to roam Port Hacking! It was wonderful.

We discussed our leaky centerboard casing and some other minor improvements we should make. And knew that we had no option but to get the boat back in the carport and fix what needs fixing before putting her on the mooring.

All in all of course a disappointment, but at the same time we felt it was an achievement to have her in the water and we definitely learned a lot again.

So it is back to the drawing board and fiberglass and epoxy resin. And quickly too! Because now that we've had a taste of the life, we don't want to wait too long before we can go out again!!

1 comment:

Lise said...

Sounds so exciting though a slight disapointment in the end! I remember recoating my Dad's UK barge and it was so nice putting it back in the water all nice and clean with a fresh coat of paint!!