Monday, September 15, 2008


After a very busy weekend I've finally got a moment to sit down and fill you in on the latest gossip on our little DutchieKiwiAussie lives.

Little Miss M is 11 months already. And what a fantastic age it is! She changes so quickly and learns something new every day. I was amazed to notice one morning that she'd sprouted 2 more teeth (she's got 4 now) overnight. And she's learning to put her pearly-whites to good use, chomping away on crusts of bread, the edge of her play-pen, the rind of a lemon the neighbour gave her, pretty much everything she can get her chubby little hands on.

This weekend she also stood for the first time unassisted. For a whole 3 seconds!! I guess only parents can get excited about such little achievements, but I was disappointed that I wasn't quick enough with my camera.

We stayed at my sisters place on Saturday night, and Miss M loved playing with the dogs, thus far displaying absolutely no fear whatsoever, much to my delight. (see earlier blog).

On Sunday I went and visited my good friends Chris and John. I was given the biggest and yummiest muffin I've ever seen, before heading to Bondi Beach to watch Lucas in a Capoeira Demonstration. I had never heard of Capoeira before and was told that it is a cross between martial arts, dance, gymnastics and acrobatics. Apparently it was developed by slaves in Brasil who 'disguised' their fighting in this way. Anyway, it was unexpectedly entertaining and definitely athletic to watch. Some of the smaller children were amazing! (Some of the adults were very more-ish on the eye! ;)

Mr Kiwi was working all weekend so didn't get to have as much fun. Thankfully he's taking tomorrow off, so we can enjoy some quality time as a family.

1 comment:

888 The Av 'n Gav Show 888 said...

She is gorgeous, looks just like mum. Amazing how they change your life.