Thursday, September 25, 2008

Learn something new every day

After our race out the door, we had a very enjoyable and educational time with Tomdiggleharry, Dontmesswithmum and young Brad (nice to meet you).

Tomdiggleharry definitely gave us some good tips on different aspects of YouTube so I look forward to spending some time making my channel my own.

He also floored me by fixing my memory stick which showed 'no images' as well as 'memory stick full'. I had no idea you could format the stick on the camera! I seriously thought I'd stuffed it up and was prepared to go out and buy a new one. Goes to show that it definitely pays to ask!

It was also very enjoyable to watch Miss M and Mr T have a bit of a play together. They are still a bit to little to really play games of course but you could see they were quite fascinated by each other.

After our city-visit I raced to Engadine where I fed Miss M her dinner at McDonald's and then had a play with her in the playground. They are actually real fun, no wonder these kids always want to go to Maccas. As soon as Mr Kiwi arrived we swapped cars and he set of home while I drove to Cronulla to do my other job.

I tell you by the time I got home I was thoroughly over it!

So today I got an easy day planned. Will try and get back into the jungle at the back of our house where I've been pulling weeds for days already. It's actually quite gratifying work as you see results straight away. Shame they keep growing back!


pommygran8 said...

sounds like an enjoyable time all round-and best thing about Maccas is no cutlery too!

TomDiggleHarry said...

Thanks! Indeed, it was fun watching Miss M and Mr T together... Amazing what goes through their mind. Anyway, it was a big day yesterday. Take it easy and have a great weekend.

Lise said...

A full on day! Great to spend some of it with you! Like I told Pommygran8 about preparing our lawn. Spent alot of yest arvo weeding and it sure looks heaps better so will be spraying weedkiller and preparing for turfing!!! Will keep you posted!!