Thursday, September 4, 2008

Things that make me see RED

Just arrived home from a frantic day (father's day) shopping in Miranda Mall. My goodness, it was as if you'd get something for free, people everywhere! Anyroad, got all I wanted to get, so that was good. All in all a fruitful day.

I just wanted to have a whinge about some idiot drivers on the road. For those of you who don't know Bundeena; it's in the National Park, and to get there you have to drive for about 25 mins on a rather windy 2-lane road.

In itself no problem. It's really pretty and there's no traffic jams, traffic lights or speed humps. But you get the occasional idiot who thinks that the lines on the road are for decoration purposes only! They come flying around the corner, on the wrong side of the road and miss you by inches.

It makes my blood boil, and more than once have I contemplated turning around and chasing them to give these dangerous individuals a choice piece of my mind! But of course by the time you turn around, you've already lost them.

So the only thing I can do to release the pressure is to have my say on my blog.

Thanks for listening!


Lise said...

Anytime!! It does us good to have a whinge every now and then!! So infuriating when people thing they own the road!

Lise said...

Oops I meant to say People thinK they own the road!

TomDiggleHarry said...

Boy! That's SCARY! And I'd be pissed off, too. Gotta drive safely in case idiots drive like that.

Anonymous said...

I too live in the national park, I am sick to death of the bullying on the roads. The rage of other drivers that you DARE to go the speed limit. They drive so close on your tail, then pass in 'no pass' zones, this is also how they end up on the wrong side of the road. I would welcome surveillance cameras, the only ones who would complain are those that are doing the wrong thing.