Monday, September 1, 2008

It's Spring!!

I wonder how Nature knows that it is Spring today? I mean yesterday was really quite miserable and grey, but when I opened my eyes this morning; Spring is in the air! I thought there was no end to this winter. And I should be used to winters that last at least 6 months you would think... but no, not I, I never did like the cold.

I kicked off this morning with a boxing class that saw me feeling a little queasy at the end, I worked so hard. But when the nausea went away I felt very energised and more than a little proud of myself.

Then after the 'feeding of the wild animal' we played in the sun for a while. Miss M was delighted to be allowed to crawl around in just her nappies and shorts.

I'm glad she seems all better again. She came down with conjunctivitis on Friday afternoon (like Nature; how do babies know to get sick on Friday arvo when you can't get a doctors appointment to save yourself?). Daddy was sick too on Sunday, so it wasn't a barrel of laughs here!

But all that is forgotten, and I have a Spring in my step; the Sun is out and that's enough to make me smile from ear to ear today!

Hope you're all having a lovely day too!

1 comment:

Lise said...

So nice!!! Feeling very excited at the signs of spring!! Love this time of the year!!