Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Morning Mooring Adventure -Part 1-

Soon we'll set off on a Sunday Morning Mooring Adventure. We at DutchieKiwiAussie are most excited, as today we pick the site where our Petit Bateau will be moored.
The thing is, that even though we live surrounded on 3 sides by water, there is no proper boat-ramp in Bundeena. There is a sand-ramp at Bonnie Vale but to get your boat in the water there you need a kick-ass 4-wheel drive which we ain't got.
There has been much debate in Bundeena about a boat ramp, the town pretty much split down the middle with those for and against. Because we are in the National Park there are many things to consider, the impact on the environment being the main one. As much as I would like the ease of a boat ramp, I don't think I would like the amount of jet skies and motorboats it would attract.

So, we decided to get a mooring and be done with it.

I don't know if there are any boating people amongst you, but having a boat is like having a big hole in the water in which you throw hands full of money! And having the boat moored means getting insurance, locks to prevent the outboard from getting knocked-off, investing in a boat-cover to keep the bird-shit off and the rain out... the list is endless.

We have had this boat, a 16 foot, 30-odd year old, wooden Hartley trailer-sailer, for about 2 years now. When we bought her we thought; a lick of paint and " Bob's your uncle", but we quickly realised that there was more work to be done, and decided to do it all properly. It's taken a while but we are very proud of the end result. My Kiwi-man calls it his Labour of Love. Anyway, you be the judge; I'll post a photo below so you can check it out.

And now I better go and pack our sunscreen etc as it's always 'safety first'!

Have a sunny Sunday!


EyeOfTheLeopard said...

I'm looking forward to going for a ride. I haven't been sailing in Australia yet.

Lise said...

Ah bless!! My dad has a barge in the UK and did the same thing. Bought an old one and gave it a lick of paint and its beautiful! Has it for over 12 years and cant let it go though complains about the UK mooring fees!! Ho hum!!