Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fingers Crossed...

I just spoke with my parents and after about 7 months they've finally had someone interested in buying their home! It is too early to get all excited, but I can't help it! I need everyone to cross their fingers for us. I have to go back to work in January and it would just be so perfect if they could be here then. And not just for me, I think for them it would be great too, if things would move along now. Once you've made a big decision like immigrating you don't want things to stagnate and draw out the inevitable.

Will keep you posted...


Michel said...

Great idea!for the picnic.

Good luck to your parents, I am crossing everything I can possibly cross (but I am not Madonna:)).

Love M

EyeOfTheLeopard said...

Ich drücke für Euch beide Daumen xx

sydhappyguy said...

All our 8's will be crossed from now on for your folks!!! That is HUGE progress!!!

Lise said...

Fingers and toes are crossed for you!! I understand how you must feel!! Would love for my family to emmigrate!! Looking forward to reading their news on their move!!