Monday, August 18, 2008

I don't like to complain, but...

I feel like death warmed up. Flaming headache, coughing-fits that I'm sure can be heard in outer-space, hot and cold flushes, muscle-aches and just enough energy to drag myself from the bed to the lounge. Unfortunately having a 10-month old crawling around the place is not conducive to curling up and feeling sorry for one-self. That, and I feel guilty whingeing about having a cold when I know there's people out there who are much worse off than I.

So there's nothing else to do but soldier on. At least the flu-virus looks very pretty in the picture.



sydhappyguy said...

It's days like this you realise you are just along for the ride, eh?

Wish you better quickly.


TomDiggleHarry said...

Hope you're feelin' much better. Headaches are the worst - there's a pressure-point between your finger/thumb. Press it slowly, rub it and breathe! Do that for 5 minutes each hand. That should do the trick!