Wednesday, August 6, 2008

i'm forgetting something...

It's 22:36 and I was all nice and cosy, tucked into bed. Was up again this morning at 05:30, so one would think sleep would come easy... NOT!! I've got too much on my mind and I was going around in circles, driving my other half mad with my sighing and twisting and turning. So decided to get up again.

So what's on my mind? I didn't do any video-ing today, and I feel bad about it. I didn't do any blogging either. I DID do non-stop running around, getting groceries, paying bills, organising our little lives etc etc. Realised at 5 pm that I'd been busting to go since 2 pm!

And still... I'm forgetting something...It came to me as I walked down the stairs just then; I was forgetting to BREATHE!


It's so simple, we all do it so automatically that we forget to do it properly. And when done properly it does bring such clarity, doesn;t it?!

Sweet Dreams EveryOne!

Schatzi >>>

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