Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When the moon hits the sky...

How absolutely stunning was the full Moon last night? I took miss M outside and danced around with her singing 'When the Moon hits the sky like a big pizza-pie-That's amore'. Of course she was delighted. It really doesn't matter that I can't sing and that I dance as if I'm wearing clogs! She thinks I put the moon there for our entertainment!

As much as I love the Moon, come bedtime she creates havoc! I have the most vivid dreams, get hot and cold sweats and wake up without fail around 3 am and can't get back to sleep til daybreak. No problem if you can have a sleep-in, but of course that is a foreign word in our house nowadays.

Anyway, it's a good thing my boxing revives me!


TomDiggleHarry said...

I know, know what you mean!! Goodness... The moon was gorgeous last night. I was in bed by 1020, then woke up just before midnight by my son. I was in deep sleep - the moon was full, I was confused. Went upstairs and patted him to sleep, then I fell asleep on the floor. Don't know for how long. Today, my back hurts - I am tired and out of whack. Ah, the joy of parenting - thank goodness for wine. What would you do without them?

KMP said...

an utterly extraordinary full moon. Hope the little one's nightmares go away soon.

Lise said...

How could I miss the moon! Looks so beautiful!!! Oh them late nights trying to put kids to bed!! Still get it from time to time. Get the nightmares from time to time or wake in might then struggle to get back to sleep though don't know what I can do about it!?!?! Any suggestions!?!?